Thursday, April 24, 2008

...down in my heart Tuesday

It's funny how songs you sing as a child get forgotten and then somehow get remembered again when you have children. I keep having dreams that remind me of these songs I used to sing. There's one that goes...'my God is so BIG, so strong, and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do'. Then I forget parts and make up some new words. Elijah is a fan of 'I've got the Joy'. He ends the song by singing 'I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart Tuesday'. cute kid, that one. I still cannot believe how fast Elijah is growing. He'll be 4 years old this year!

And Stella, oh she's so much fun! She has the best smile I have ever seen (I am completely biased here, but many people agree with me), and she's generally very happy. She has started eating rice cereal, and she can roll over when she really wants to. She's also gotten into a napping routine, which makes life easier for me. She's still not sleeping all the way through the night yet, but we're working on it. Having two kids share a bedroom is definitely a challenge at bedtime.

We're going to be having some crazy months ahead. Ben's still doing research and finishing up grad school, but he's graduating in May! Wow, it's less than a month away. And then he starts his new job in June, and then sometime in July we'll be moving. Time is going by so fast. Stella will be six months old next month!

Some of you may have heard that KU won the national basketball championship, and since Stella is our little Kansas baby, we had to get the kids some shirts to mark the occasion. Oh, and today is Fred's birthday, so Happy Birthday Opa Fred!

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