Friday, July 06, 2007

Much Fun

We hope everyone had a fun 4th! Ben, Elijah, and I went to Chillicothe (where my parents, sister's little family, and lots of other fun relatives live) for the 4th of July. Ben made very wonderful kabobs which were a big hit, we got a special visit from Sammi, Ellie, Jacia, and Pat since Ellie and I are both pregnant and we had to catch up, and then we went over to my Uncle Jerry and Aunt Diane's for fun and fireworks watchin'. It was good times. Elijah was thrilled with the fireworks and Julienne didn't even cry at all.

The pictures are of the guys (my Dad, Will, Ben, and Uncle Jerry) playing a fancy game that has to do with throwin' bean bags in a hole. Apparently, there are fun games that don't involve electricity, who knew? Oh, and the old guys beat the young guys, I believe it was 10 times in a row, but the young guys finally came through for one game in the end. So anyway, hopefully there will be more pictures whenever I figure out the problems I'm having with uploading them (or when Ben comes home and fixes them for me). Have a fun Friday!

EXTRA PICTURES: so I added some more pictures to this post because they were taken on or around the 4th. The baby is my niece, Julienne again. I just can't help myself. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Wish we could have been there. Instead I barbecued in the rain here in Salida.When I finished , being very wet, it stopped raining. Then we had to wait until after 10 for the firecrews to get their act together and shoot off the fireworks from S mountain. Oh well.
Miss you guys but glad to hear from you. We are praying for the new baby and Kims pregnancy and such.
love to all,
Uncle Roger