Thursday, December 06, 2007

Three Weeks Old

Stella is three weeks old! She had a doctors appointment this week and is now weighing in at 6 pounds 6 ounces. So far she's been a very easy baby. She loves to eat and sleep. It's amazing how different kids can be. Elijah hated getting his diaper changed, loved pacifiers, and only wanted to sleep in someone's arms. Stella likes getting her diaper changed, pacifiers make her gag, and she'll sleep anywhere as long as she's full, burped, and changed. Crazy kids.

Ben and I have definitely been trying to get used to having two kids. The hardest thing so far has been that right now they both have colds. So poor Elijah and Stella have runny noses and's really sad. I think Elijah got his cold from a combination of going to MOPs and then playing in the snow all day on Thursday (he had a lot of fun). Then Stella got a cold from him.

You'll have to excuse my bad transitions and mild confusion in this blog, but I can't think very well right now. Anyhoo, I was looking through some pictures and found the ones of Elijah from Halloween, so I thought I'd throw a couple of those in too. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

I loved the new pictures, Elijah you look great as Thomas the Train! Is there any candy left?

Stella looks so sweet, I can't wait to hold her again. I can tell she is growing. I hope everyone gets better soon.

Having two children is more challenging, but the two of you are great parents.

Love you all xxx ooo

Grammy Vicki

Kristen said...

Stella already is looking bigger. I can't wait to see her again! Hopefully her and Elijah will be past their colds before Christmas!